When you walk in the doors of your house, what makes it feel like home for you?
God is calling you home.
A family is what makes a house become something more…
it becomes your Home.
Service Times
Sunday AM: 10:30-12:00
Wednesday PM: 7:00-8:00
Phone Number
10110 Aqueduct Dr. E. Tacoma WA, 98445
make contact
get in contact with us and we will help you get connected

Think of one person

that matters to you.

that matters to you.
you can make a difference
We know that we can't wait for great things to happen, because we are the active contributors in creating an environment and moment where people can meet Jesus. We believe that just like Jesus, we go out of our way to see people encounter the living God. Think of that one person close to you that needs to hear of God's love and think of what you could do today.